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Provincial Grand Committee

The Provincial Grand Master,

all Past Provincial Grand Masters,

the Commissioned Office-bearers,

the Past Commissioned Office-bearers,

the Senior Provincial Grand Warden,

the Junior Provincial Grand Warden,

the Provincial Grand Treasurer,

the Provincial Grand Almoner,

all other Elective Provincial Grand Office-bearers and the Masters of all Daughter Lodges within the Province.

Disciplinary Committee

The Provincial Grand Master,

all Past Provincial Grand Masters,

Depute Provincial Grand Master,

Substitute Provincial Grand Master,

Provincial Grand Secretary,

all ex officiis with the additions of ...

Brother Allan Baker, P.M. No.1614,

Brother Rodger Muir, P.M. No.827

and Brother Thomas Walker, P.M. No. 272.

Benevolent Committee

The Provincial Grand Master,

all Past Provincial Grand Masters,

Depute Provincial Grand Master,

Substitute Provincial Grand Master,

Provincial Grand Secretary,

Provincial Grand Treasurer,

Provincial Grand Almoner,

all ex officiis, with the additions of....

Brother David Forrest, P.M. No. 636,

Brother Gordon Smith P.M. No. 17

and Brother Thomas Walker P.M. No.272.

Almoners Committee

The Provincial Grand Almoner

and the Almoners of all the Daughter Lodges in the Province.


Provincial Grand Lodge Office-bearers, when attending Lodge Visitations, Installations and Communications, should, where possible, wear dark clothes and white gloves


Brother Andrew Bullions Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho, No. 85

Brother Robert Nicoll PM Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho, No. 85


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